Welcome to
Chic and Green
a blog written for those
interested in going
green, reducing their
footprint or leading
a slow life in
fabulous style.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Learn what you can do to make Disney Go Green!

As a huge Disney fan I was so sad to find out that of all the Disney properties on the Animal Kingdom Park and a handful of their hotels use green cleaning methods. Go check out The Center for Health, Environment and Justiceto find out what you can do to help convince Disney to Go Green!

Via Mom Go Green

Image from funtim.com
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1 comment:

Renee Claire said...


Thanks for speaking up about this important campaign. We are trying make Disney really pay attention to the health of their guests and employees. But Disney needs keep hearing from people just like you.

Here are a couple more ways to get involved:


and join our facebook page: search Disney Go Green

Hope you're having a great weekend!